Customized Training

Professional training is essential to keep your company operating at optimum efficiency. Your executives and employees need to stay up-to-date with ever-changing regulations, best practices and new legislation. We understand that access to professional training can be a challenge when conferences, workshops and webinars conflict with company schedules and put a strain on travel budgets. To help make professional training more accessible, relevant and tailored to your needs, IDFA will bring our leading experts and education programs directly to your company at a time most convenient for you.

Participants in our customized training programs will be invited to contact our expert staff and access valuable resources not available anywhere else. Choose your preferred format, including webinars and on-site training. Working together, we will customize the training to accommodate different job functions or levels of experience. If you don’t see what you want on the list, give us a call and we’ll help you find the most effective and cost-efficient way to get your employees the professional training they need.

Customized Training Topics

Food Safety and Compliance

Labeling and Nutrition

Legislative and Political Issues

Staff Contact

Melissa Lembke

Former Associate Vice President, Programs & Partnerships